ETRC workshop: Our Industry Our Future

Invitation to workshop: “Our Industry Our Future – Facing the Challenges”

All members of NTRG are invited to participate at the ETRC Workshop on the 27th of January 2011 at the Brussels Airport Sheraton Hotel. The theme of the workshop is “Our Industry Our Future – Facing the Challenges” and the programme will address many issues that could have an effect on the day to day business and the future of our industry. Members of NTRG are asked to join in the debate and discuss together with other industry leaders these important issues.

The Workshop is free for members of NTRG. Attendance should be confirm by email to before the 31st of December.

The workshop programme is arranged to suit the arrival times from the major airports and train stations in Europe. However for those arriving the day before, ETRC has negotiated a special room rate of €140.00 per night as the Sheraton. To take advantage of this, please  use this form.  This reservation form should be faxed to the Brussels Sheraton Hotel before the 31st of December.

Workshop: “Our Industry, Our Future – Facing the Challenges”
A one day workshop – free of charge for Corporate Members of ETRC and members of National Associations
Brussels Airport Sheraton Hotel
January 27th, 2011

Moderator: Jacques Parson, Vice President

09.00‐10.30 Welcome & Coffee

10.30‐13.00 Morning session

Opening Address
Frank O’Connell, President

European Travel Retail Business performance 2010

Key Note Speaker – Vice Chairman Transport Committee European Parliament
Subject to confirmation

ESPACE VOYAGEUR – Toward a Real Single Market
• A separate legislative regime for Travel Retail
• The argumentation
• The benefits
• Progress to date, next steps and time table

13.00‐14.00 Lunch

14.00‐16.00 Afternoon Session

Airlines ‘one bag’ restrictions
• What is the impact?
• The risks of contagion
• Fighting back

Aviation Security & LAG’s
• Lifting restrictions 2011 and 2013
• The technology and implications
• Effective customer communication

Maximising Shopping Time
• Removing barriers to selling

Tobacco Campaign
• WHO update
• European and national legislation
• An effective industry response

Final Conclusions
Frank O’Connell, President

16.00‐17.00 Networking

Member meeting in Helsinki

The meeting will take place on Viking Line’s M/S Gabriella 16 September, 11.00 – 15.45 (Local time) in the harbour of Helsinki. The theme of the meeting wil be “Opportunities”.

NB: Attendees are requested to meet up around the NTRG banner at the ground floor in the terminal no later than 10.45.

Please register at no later than Friday, 10 September. The limited number of seats for this meeting is allocated on a first come, first served basis.


11.00 Guided tour of Viking Line’s M/S Gabriella. Tax Free Manager Kim Engblom will present the Tax Free Shop and Category Manager Eva Rehnström will present the new Travel Express Spa.
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Welcome by NTRG Chairman, John Baumgartner
13.10 ”Global Blue – tax free shopping – the essential tool for business and key service for foreign customers”. What are the benefits of offering tax free? Global Blue Finland tax free figures: market update. By Anne Paula, Country Manager, Global Blue Finland
13.45 “Logistics – opportunities or challenges?” By Matti Kokkala, Director, ME Group
14.30 Coffee and networking
15.00 ”Pay attention and how to be heard among lots of stakeholders.” Ongoing issues, authorities’ view on our industry and how to  help lobbying for a better appreciation by the authorities. By Hans Ahlström, Assistant Managing Director, Finnish Shipowner’s Association.
15.45 End

The full address of the venue
Viking Line Terminal (Katajanokka)
Katajanokanlaituri 8 (Mastokatu 1)
00160 Helsinki