If you want any of the last seats available for the member meeting in Stockholm please register by e-mail.. The list of prominent speakers is impressive and you will get great networking opportunities.
- Time: 22nd November, starting at 12.00, noon
- Place: van der Nootska Palatset
- Registration: until 19th November by e-mail.
12 – 13:00: Arrival and registration
Session 1, 13 – 14:30:
- Welcome and update on NTRG and ETRC activities by John Baumgartner, Chairman of the Board of Directors, NTRG.
- Bjarne Lindström, Director at Statistics and Research Åland: ‘The Impact of Duty Free Sales on the Trans-National Transport System in the Baltic Sea Region’
- Johan Gabrielsson, Director Special Projects Public Affairs, Swedish Match: ’Snuff and the European Union – why is snuff forbidden in the EU and why that is wrong? A new tobacco regulation for the EU– a new chance for snuff? Will snuff be sold on the Baltic Sea after a new European tobacco regulation?
14:30 – 15:00: Coffee
Session 2, 15 – 16:30:
- Roel Huinink, Managing Director at Arlanda Schiphol Development Company: ‘Airport Retail: creating the aspirational gateway to Sweden’
- Linus Malmberg, founder and CEO of Cordial Business Advisers: ‘From Ford to Spotify and beyond: Business Models that changed the world!’
17:00: Dinner